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Java Zone - The heart of the Java developer community

Cordova: Communicating Between JavaScript and Java

Posted: 30 Nov 2021 03:43 PM PST


Cordova is an open-source cross-platform development framework that allows you to use HTML and JavaScript to develop apps across multiple platforms, such as Android and iOS. So how exactly does Cordova enable apps to run on different platforms and implement the functions? The abundant plugins in Cordova are the main reason, and free you to focus solely on app functions, without having to interact with the APIs at the OS level. 


Here, I'll use the Cordova plugin in HUAWEI Push Kit as an example to demonstrate how to call Java APIs in JavaScript through JavaScript-Java messaging. The following implementation principles can be applied to all other kits, except for Map Kit and Ads Kit (which will be detailed later), and help you master troubleshooting solutions.

Embracing invokedynamic To Tame Class Loaders in Java Agents

Posted: 30 Nov 2021 07:51 AM PST

One of the nicest things about Byte Buddy is that it allows you to write a Java agent without manually having to deal with byte code. To instrument a method, agent authors can simply write the code they want to inject in pure Java. This makes writing Java agents much more accessible and avoids complicated onboarding requirements.

After the first successful experiments, agent authors often get hit by a wall of complexity that the JVM throws at them: class loaders (OSGi, oh my!), class visibility, dependence on internal APIs, classpath scanners, and version conflicts to name a few. 

Debugging the Technical Interview - Methods and Cheating

Posted: 30 Nov 2021 01:01 AM PST

The headline caught my attention right away " I was shocked to catch a candidate cheating in an online interview "... How the hell do you cheat in an interview? Does  Cyrano de Bergerac)  whisper the answer from outside the camera?

Well, close enough. The candidate was googling answers and copying them into a shared screen, pretending this was his code. Hiding this is lying. That's never OK. But this really reminded me of a tweet I read ages ago which unfortunately I can't find… It went something like this:

Authentication/Authorization in a Remote LDAP Server

Posted: 29 Nov 2021 12:50 PM PST

There are plenty of articles, videos, and courses around about this topic, but nearly all of them use embedded LDAP as a source for user information. In this article, we will develop a Spring Boot project and integrate to remote LDAP through Spring Security. In addition, we will perform authentication (auth) and authorization (autz) operations over JWT (JSON Web Token) for the APIs we will open. 

In a business scenario, our application serves as a user portal service that authenticates and authorizes users against specific APIs with their LDAP authorities. First, let's talk about the terms we will use.

Spring Boot - Restful Web Service Endpoint for Getting the User With Addresses - @OneToMany Relation

Posted: 29 Nov 2021 09:39 AM PST

In the video below, we take a closer look at Spring Boot - RESTful Web Service Endpoint for getting the User with addresses - @OneToMany relation. Let's get started!


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