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Java Zone - The heart of the Java developer community

How Java Language Is Best for IoT Systems Development

Posted: 31 Dec 2020 05:52 PM PST

Java is one of the most used languages in the world and the most successful language in the field of IT. This programming language owes its runaway success to WORA (write once, run anywhere), an important feature that removes the platform dependencies during application execution.

In older days, Java was easy to understand, write, compile, learn, and debug, which allows you to design modular programs and reusable resources. 

GraalVM Offers COBOL Support

Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:19 AM PST

GrааlVM hаs intrоduсed suрроrt fоr СОBОL, extending the suрроrt where а single runtime саn suрроrt multiрle interорerаble lаnguаges. This hаs extended the reасh оf Jаvа (the lаnguаge) thаt cаn run оn multiрle рlаtfоrms tо Jаvа (the virtuаl mасhine) thаt cаn run mаny lаnguаges оn mаny рlаtfоrms.

The wоrk wаs intrоduсed by Сhristорh Sсhоbesberger in Осtоber thrоugh his reseаrсh wоrk аt JKU Linz University. The teсhnоlоgy wоrks thrоugh GrааlVM's integrаtiоn with LLVM bitсоde. The раth thrоugh LLVM differs frоm the wаy thаt HоtSроt imрlementаtiоns provide suрроrt fоr аlternаtive lаnguаges like Nаshоrn (JаvаSсriрt in Jаvа 8, deрreсаted lаter) аnd JRuby (аn асtive externаl рrоjeсt). Where the HоtSроt imрlementаtiоns tаrget Jаvа byteсоde аnd JSR-292 (dynаmiс lаnguаges) аnd its subsequent JIT орtimizаtiоns, GrааlVM lаnguаges like TruffleRuby рursue орtimizаtiоn аt the LLVM level fоr nаtive аheаd-оf-time соmрilаtiоn. GrааlVM аlsо оffers а HоtSроt mоde араrt frоm its nаtive соmрilаtiоn.

Java Socket Programming: Simple Client and Server Program [Video]

Posted: 31 Dec 2020 06:57 AM PST

In the video below, we take a closer look at making a basic client and server program to explore Java sockets. Let's get started!

ObjectiveSQL (A New Java ORM) 1.4.5 Has Been Released

Posted: 30 Dec 2020 06:32 PM PST

ObjectiveSQL is an ORM framework in Java based on the ActiveRecord pattern, which encourages rapid and clean development and clean, minimal coding, and convention over configuration.


  • With one annotation, your Class has fully featured capabilities of SQL programming
  • Easy relational queries (has_one, has_many, and belongs_to) and paged queries
  • Writing SQL expressions (arithmetic, comparison, and logical) using Java syntax

Why to choose

  • If your project focuses on data analysis based on relation database, and a lot of arithmetic expressions in SQL statement. ObjectiveSQL will help you write expressions conveniently and safely using Java syntax
  • If you don't want to write Java codes of database access and various configuration files, ObjectiveSQL's dynamic code generation will help you access the database without coding


Spring Boot Architecture and Workflow

Posted: 30 Dec 2020 06:26 PM PST

Spring Boot Architecture: Spring Publishing is a sophisticated variant or job from the Spring framework. Together with the Spring framework, in addition, it is made up of third party libraries and Embedded HTTP servers. It easily produces a production-grade, more time consuming, and standalone applications dependent on the Spring framework

The goal of Spring Hack would be to completely get rid of the usage of XML-based and annotation-based settings in the software. By default, it provides the majority of the items, like functions, processes, etc. 


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